Software News

Ephesoft Key Features

We would like to share some new functionality with you...

Ephesoft Email Interface

Core benefits Quick and efficient resolution of invoice queries, enhancing operational efficiency. Reduction in administrative burden by eliminating the need to locate…...

Duplicate Invoice Checker

Core benefits Reduction in administrative overhead associated with managing duplicate invoices Mitigation of fraud risk by preventing duplicate invoice processing We also think you…...

Cobwebb Extract AI

Improve extraction success by utilising Google Document AI...

Cobwebb Server Software

Cobwebb Communications Ltd. are proud to announce the latest Production Version of the Cobwebb Server Software...

Cobwebb Designer PC Software

Version 8 (Build 16)...

Log4j vulnerability patch

On December 10th, 2021, a global and widespread critical vulnerability was discovered in Apache Log4j, an open-source Java package used to enable logging in many popular applications...

Legacy CPPD Server Software

The CPPD Server Software is supplied as a zipped ISO image. For details on how to install the CPPD Server Software please either visit the on-line help on Installing / Upgrading & Configuring the Cobwebb Server Software or download the CPPD Server User Guide and read the Installing / Upgrading &...

The Cobwebb Support Portal has moved

We have migrated to a new support portal...

Access Client Solutions Windows Application Pack and earlier fix

CPPD Designer quits unexpectedly when retrieving spooled files from the IBM i Server...

Critical Fix – CHTTPD v4.20 package – Resolves serious Docstore issue

CHTTPD v4.20 resolves a critical bug whereby it is possible that if two or more documents were submitted to Docstore at exactly the same time they could end up all using just one of the physical files...

Sample of using ZPL printing with data copied from spooled file

Sample of using ZPL printing with data copied from spooled file. Attachment:...

Cobwebb Server Software Cumulative PTFs

Cumulative PTFs are a package of all the objects fixed since the release of a Cobwebb Server Software version. Note: All PTFs have been applied to the current released Cobwebb Server Software version available for download...

Sample PPD File for Terms and Conditions

Sample PPD File for Terms and Conditions Attachment:...

CPPDPTF – PRTAFP returning incorrect spooled file number

This bug affects CPPD v6.2.21 to v6.2.24. This bug is only compatible with CPPD v6.2.21 to v6.2.24...

Cobwebb Export Connector for System21

Download the latest version Version 4.1.0...

Cobwebb Export Connector for Docstore

Version 3.2.1 - This version is compatible with Cobwebb Server v6.2.61 and above (CHTTPD v2.61 and above)...

View all users emails and faxes on the queue

CPPD/Email   CPPD/Fax View all users emails and faxes on the queue Menu Options to take. Add CPPD to your library list with the command ADDLIBLE CPPD and press Enter Enter command GO CPPD…...

Uploading PPD Designs to System i

CPPD/Designer Uploading PPD Designs to System i Get Current XPD version in use. Sign into the System i you wish to upload the PPD designs to. Add CPPD to your library list with the command ADDLIBLE…...

Exporting An Image from Microsoft Word

CPPD/Designer Exporting An Image from Microsoft Word Create the image. Open the Word document which contains the graphic or overlay you wish to export. Select Print from the File menu in Word. Select Cobwebb PPD Printer…...

Creating a thermal print output queue

CPPD/Print Creating a thermal print output queue Enter the following command: CRTOUTQ OUTQ(CPPD/CPPDTH) RMTSYS(*INTNETADR) RMTPRTQ('LPT1') CNNTYPE(*IP) DESTTYPE(*OTHER) MFRTYPMDL(*WSCST) WSCST(CPPD/CPPDTH1) INTNETADR(‘Your IP’) SEPPAGE(*NO) TEXT('CPPD Thermal Printing output queue')...

COBAUUSERQ – Retrieve Aurora User Output Queue

Cobwebb provide some program source for retrieving the Aurora Output Queue and Library for a specific User ID. Please download document for details...

Check the number of members in AFAXDOC

CPPD/Fax Check number of members in AFAXDOC Prompt Command. Enter DSPFD and press F4. Enter AFAXDOC into the File field. Enter CPPD into the Library field. Enter *ATR into the Type of information field. Press…...

Check number of members in AEMLDOC

CPPD/Email Check number of members in AEMLDOC  Prompt Command. Enter DSPFD and press F4. Enter AEMLDOC into the File field. Enter CPPD into the Library field. Enter *ATR into the Type of information field. Press Enter…...

Aurora upgrade implications for CPPD

The only area to focus on when upgrading to Aurora from System 21 are Exit Programs used within the PPD designs. Exit Programs are RPG routines that facilitate the retrieval of data for inclusion on document output…...