1a. Cobwebb Server Software Cumulative PTFs

Cumulative PTFs are a package of all the objects fixed since the release of a Cobwebb Server Software version. Note: All PTFs have been applied to the current released Cobwebb Server Software version available for download.
CPPD 6.2.76
Rev2 – Issues Resolved
- missing http docs files
- “Duplicate Document Handling:” not visible in Docstore Doctype creation and configuration
- AFAXIMG not cleared down correctly on deleting a PPD
- Program to Delete Orphan AFAXIMG members
- Download the Cumulative PTF.
- Follow the instructions in the supplied text file.
CPPD 6.2.73
Rev1 – Issues Resolved
- XML and SCS Email Attachments contain ‘confused’ text
- Download the Cumulative PTF.
- Follow the instructions in the supplied text file.
CPPD 6.2.69
Rev3 – Issues Resolved
- First Page selection error on spooled file where the area selected for checking the first page is blank on every page in the spooled file.
- Data area *LIBL/QRYDLY was not found (C G D F) when working with System parameters.
- Download the Cumulative PTF.
- Follow the instructions in the supplied text file.