BLOG / Update on launch of Cobwebb Cloud Capture - Finance

Carl Brown / Sales Director
I wanted to give our customers an update on progress with Cobwebb Cloud Capture – Finance (CCC-F) since we announced its launch last year.
Cobwebb Cloud Capture -Finance is a SaaS based AP Automation solution built on industry leading technology and hosted in Azure. Cobwebb Communications has built integrations to Infor IBM i ERP, including XA (Enterprise Financials) and System21. For more detailed information, go here.
Since the launch last year, interest has been high from Infor IBM i customers in Europe and North America. We are working on several projects already with a number of other businesses keen to talk to us about AP Automation. The main drivers appear to be a desire to reduce manual processing in AP and to increase visibility throughout the process. We’ve also had a lot of interest from businesses using IntelliChief looking for an alternative solution.
We are planning to host a webinar with our new partner TriMin this Summer, where we will demonstrate the journey of an invoice starting with CCC-F and concluding with the invoice being automatically logged in Enterprise Financials and archived in a Document Management System. Please contact us if you would like to receive an invitation to this event.