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If you are having problems with your output then you can enable Test Mode for a specific Spooled File Monitor job running in the CPPD subsystem. Normally this job will be called SPLMON but if you have many monitor jobs you may have created a new Data Queue to handle some of the Output Queues. The name of the job running in the CPPD Subsystem will be the name of the Data Queue.

Test Mode

Running your Cobwebb Design in Test Mode will do the following:

Hold Print output on the designated Output Queue

Hold Fax output on the Cobwebb Queue

Hold Email output on the Cobwebb Queue

Hold the interim spooled file output from the Advanced Reformatting Utility.

Note: At present no changes will be made to your File or Docstore output.

Enable Test Mode for existing SLPMON job

From version 6.2.82 of the Server software Test Mode can be enabled from the Work with Spooled File Monitor without having to Stop and Restart the CPPD subsystem.

Or... from a command line on the Server enter:


Find the SPLMON job that you wish to debug and place a 2 = Change beside the entry and then press F4=Prompt

Press F10=Additional Parameters

Page Down until you see "Job switches..." e.g. 10000000

You need to change the last entry (switch 7) to be a "1" which will turn Test Mode on e.g. 10000010

Press Enter

Once this has been done any subsequent spool file being processed by this Spool File Monitor will contain extra entries in the Joblog. This will include any Trace elements that have been added to your design.

Please Note: When you stop and re-start the CPPD subsystem Test Mode will be switched back off automatically.

Enable Test Mode permanently

If you wish to enable Test Mode for all PPD output from the Spool File Monitor even when the subsystem is stopped and re-started you will need to change the Job Description that is used to run this job.

From a command line on the Server enter:


To switch this back off again enter:


You will need to stop and restart the CPPD subsystem in order for the above changes to take effect.

Interactive Test Mode

The CHGTSTMOD command will allow you to switch either Test mode (U7) and/or Trace (U8) mode on or off for your interactive session i.e. when you either call CRTPPD or RUNPPD to test your Cobwebb Design (PPD). This command has been included from version 6.2.66.