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From version 6.2.66 - This command will allow you to switch either Test Mode (U7) and/or Trace Mode (U8) mode on or off when you are testing a Cobwebb Design (PPD) interactively.

The Test and Trace modes will only be enabled for your interactive session i.e. when you either call CRTPPD or RUNPPD to test your Cobwebb Design (PPD).

This command can be found on the Cobwebb Tools Menu - Option 10. Alternatively, with library CPPD in your Library List, enter CHGTSTMOD on a command line and press F4=Prompt.

Command Parameters

Test Mode (TMODE)

Select *NO to turn Test mode off, *YES to turn it on or, from Cobwebb Server > 6.2.82, *JOB to use the current U7 setting for the job.

Trace Mode (TRACE)

Select *NO to turn Trace mode off, *YES to turn it on or, from Cobwebb Server > 6.2.82, *JOB to use the current U8 setting for the job.