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Navigation: The Cobwebb Web Server

Cobwebb Web Server Configuration

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Browse to the Cobweb Web Server and select Server Configuration. The Server configuration covers the following areas:


Access Log

File Module

Queue Module

Docstore Module

Once have made your changes click Submit to update the details and then Re-start Server to restart the Cobwebb Web Service.


For the main Server configuration select the Server tab if not already selected.


This entry is not used at present.


Add the User Ids that you wish to be Administrators. Note: If you remove all valid entries then you will disable the web service configuration option.

HTTP Port (Previously TCP/IP Port)

This is the TCP port that is used by the HTTP Cobwebb Web Service. The default is 6400. To disable this enter 0. Note: Recommended range is between 1024 and 65535.


v6.2.80 or above - This is the TCP port that is used by the HTTPS Cobwebb Web Service. The default is 6443. To disable this enter 0. Note: Recommended range is between 1024 and 65535.

HTTPS Certificate file path

v6.2.80 or above - The path to the certificate file to use for HTTPS. The default is /cppd/chttpd/cert/default.cer. Please see Install & Configure an SSL Certificate and Key for details on how to configure the Cobwebb Web Server to use a custom SSL Certificate and Private Key.

HTTPS Key file path

v6.2.80 or above - The path to the key file to use for HTTPS. The default is /cppd/chttpd/cert/default.key. Please see Install & Configure an SSL Certificate and Key for details on how to configure the Cobwebb Web Server to use a custom SSL Certificate and Private Key.

HTTPS Key password

v6.2.88 or above - The password for the key file.  This allows for private keys which are password protected. The default is blank for no password protection. Please see Install & Configure an SSL Certificate and Key for details on how to configure the Cobwebb Web Server to use a custom SSL Certificate and Private Key.

Output Log

Here you can specify where to output the Cobwebb Web Service log. The default is JOBLOG which will write to the IBM i joblog.

Client Threads

Enter the number of threads available to serve client requests. Default: 10.

Maximum Keep-Alive

Enter the maximum number of milliseconds that an http session can be 'kept alive'. Default: 300.

Authentication Key

The master key used for DES Password decryption. This has to match the Infor Workspace key.

Force Uppercase Credentials

Select the relevant radio button depending upon whether or not you wish to convert all User names and Passwords to uppercase.

Server Codepage

The default codepage to be used for translating EBCDIC data. Default: 1146.

Server Locale

The default Locale used for conversions. Use WRKOBJ OBJ(QSYS/*ALL) OBJTYPE(*LOCALE) to see currently installed locales. Default: Blank (EN_US Calculated from Server Codepage 37).

Document URL Filename Workaround

If enabled this appends 'filename/xxx.yyy' to document URLs where xxx.yyy is the document filename. This is a workaround for the embedded Adobe Reader application which does not honour the filename attribute of the Content-Disposition http header resulting in incorrect filenames if the document is saved. Default: Enabled.

Enable CORS

This determines whether or not to enable cross-origin resource sharing. Default: Disabled.

Authentication Flood Protection

The number of seconds to wait before authenticating with the server using the same username and password combination. Failing more than the number specified in the QMAXSIGN system value can disable the user profile. Default: 10.

System Name

This is the system name of the server - this is only used for PC Authentication and data area access.

Access Log

If you wish to log all access to the Cobwebb Web Server then select the Access Log tab.


Choose whether access logging is required. Default: Enabled.

File path

The path to the access log file, only required if logging has been enabled. This must be a path on the IFS e.g. /cppd/chttpd/logs/access.log.

Log Referrer

Choose whether to log the referring page information. Default: Disabled.

File Module

If you wish to configure file information for the Cobwebb Web Server then select the File Module tab.

Document Root

The path to the folder from which all files are served. This must be a path on the IFS e.g. /cppd/chttpd/httpdocs.

Custom Document Root

The path to the folder where any modified files should be stored. Files will be served from here rather than the 'Document Root' if found. See Changing the Logo.

Index Directories

Choose whether to allow a directory listing to be shown when a directory is requested. Default: Disabled.

Use Index files

Choose whether to search a requested directory for an index file (index.html). Default: Enabled.

Send Last Modified

Choose whether to return to the client the last modified date for a requested file. Default: Enabled.

Queue Module

If you wish to configure the Cobwebb Message Queue then select the Queue Module tab.

Use departments

Choose whether to only allow users to see queue entries for users with the same department code or ALL messages. Disabled = ALL messages.

Records per page

Choose how many queue records to display per page. Default: 20.

Database Connection Name

(OPTIONAL). The name of the database to connect to. Default: *LOCAL.


Choose whether to search a requested directory for an index file (index.html). Default: The library the Subsystem is running in e.g. CPPD.


(OPTIONAL). The user name to use when connecting to the database Default: blank.


(OPTIONAL). The password to use when connecting to the database. Default: blank.

Docstore Module

To configure the Cobwebb Docstore select the Docstore Module tab.

Count Results

Choose whether or not to count (and display) the total number of documents returned by a query. Note: Enabling this function can have some performance impact. Default: Enabled.

Document Retirement Rate Limit

The maximum number of Docstore documents to retire before pausing for 1 minute. Note: You will need to Stop and Restart the CPPD subsystem for changes to this parameter to take effect.


No Rate Limit i.e. don't pause between retiring documents.

1 or above

Set the number of documents to retire before pausing. Default: 10

For further information please see the following pages:

Configuring Docstore

oCreating a Docstore

oCreating a Docstore Document Type

oCreating Docstore Keys

Docstore Key Types

oAssigning Docstore Keys to Document Types

oDocument Version Control