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From Cobwebb Server v6.2.76 or above.

Enable Versioning for a Document Type

When you Create a Docstore Document Type there is an entry for Duplicate Document Handling. If you have are going to specify any of the Docstore Keys that you are going to assign to this Document Type as Unique then this option allows you to select how you want Docstore to handle duplicate keys. The default option is to Reject the document and it won't be stored. The other option you may select is Version. What this will do is to set the superseded date for the existing document and then store the newer version. Whether or not superseded documents will be displayed in Docstore is controlled by the Hide Unauthorised Documents setting above; if this is set to No then superseded documents will be displayed as grey in the list.

Manually Uploading a new Version of a Document

Once versioning has been enabled for a Document Type, provided you have the correct permissions, you will then be able to Create a New Version of a Document when editing a Document's details.

Automatically Uploading a new Version of a Document

If versioning has been enabled and your PPD uploads a Document with identical Unique Keys then any existing Document in Docstore will be superseded.