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Work with XML Cross References allows you to import an existing XML file. An XML Cross Reference will be generated for each element in your XML. Once the Cross References have been generated you can then decide which of the entries you wish to print along with other details that will help when creating a Cobwebb Design to process the printed XML. This can be found from the Cobwebb Main Menu - PPD File Maintenance - Option 13. Requires Cobwebb Server version 6.2.82 or above and IBM i OS V6R1M0 or above.
Say you have incoming XML that you wish to process and turn into a document to Print, send out as an Email or File in your Document Archiving system. You can drop the XML into a folder which will be monitored using a Cobwebb Folder Monitor configured to use the Extract XML to Spool Folder Monitor program FMXML2SPL. This will print the XML, using the configured Cross References, to an Output Queue of your choice, which in turn will be monitored by a Spooled File Monitor using your Cobwebb Design.
Position to
Enter one or more characters of the File ID from which to start the display.
Select one of the following options:
Allows you to create a new XML Cross Reference entry. This option is only valid on the top (entry) line of the display. |
Use this option to revise an existing entry. |
Copy an existing XML Cross Reference entry. From version 6.2.88. |
4=Delete |
Delete an existing XML Cross Reference entry. |
View the XML Cross References for an existing entry. |
Print the XML Cross References for an existing entry. Calls PRTXMLSPL to print the XML details. Requires Cobwebb XML. |
Configure the XML Cross References to be used in your Print program. |
File ID
Specify a unique name (File ID) for your XML Cross Reference file entry.
Enter a description for your XML Cross Reference file entry. Note: This is not displayed if you have pressed F14=Show File Path.
File Path
The path to the XML file that you wish to Cross Reference. Note: This is only displayed if you have pressed F14=Show File Path.
Seq No Len
This is the length of the sequence number that you wish to be used when generating the Cross References for your XML. The default is 3 which will result in Cross References of XML_nnn where nnn is an incrementing number from 001 - 999. Should you have move than 999 elements in your XML then you may need to increase this to a maximum of 5 i.e. XML_nnnnn.
Function keys
F3=Exit |
Exits the Work with job launcher screen and returns to the Maintenance menu, without updating. |
F5=Refresh |
Refreshes the list of job launcher entries |
F12=Previous |
Exits the Work with job launcher screen and returns to the Maintenance menu, without updating. |
F14=Show File Path |
Shows the XML File Path in place of the Description |
F14=Show Description |
Shows the Description in place of the File Path. |
Page Up |
Scrolls up through the list |
Page Down |
Scrolls down through the list |