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Replicating the Cobwebb Server Software

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If you wish to replicate the Cobwebb Server software from the Live Server to the Disaster Recovery [DR] Server (using Mimix for example) then you will need to include the following in your Replication process.

Cobwebb Objects to Include


Object Type




Contains all the objects required to run the Cobwebb Server Software. There are certain objects in this library which will need to be excluded from this replication.

Please refer to the table CPPD Objects to Exclude and the Notes for Customers on Cobwebb Server prior to v6.0.32.



Used by the Cobwebb Server software.

Includes the installer for the Cobwebb Designer and some documentation.



Owns all the objects in library CPPD apart from a few which are required to be owned by QSECOFR.



Runs all the jobs in the CPPD subsystem



Required for the CPPDMM user



Contains the Cobwebb Web Server objects.



If you are using the Cobwebb Docstore module then this holds the Cobwebb Docstore configurations.

Note: You will also need to include any Docstore Libraries that you have created.

User Docstore Folder


Each Docstore Document Type stores its data in a folder, either on the IFS or the network via QNTC.

Note: This data will need to be accessible to the new Docstore using the identical path.

Exit Programs


Your installation may utilise Exit Programs or bespoke data that are located outside of the  Cobwebb Server product, in library COBEXIT for example.

AP Invoice Data Libraries


If you have Docstore Capture & KTA then you will need to backup the Environment specific data libraries (prefixed CPPDDTA) and usually called:



CPPD Objects to Exclude

All of the following objects exist in the CPPD library.


Object Type

Description / Action



Contains the server specific encrypted Cobwebb Server Security code [Access code].

Note: From v6.0.32 this will also contain the Expiry Date.

Action: Copy from the Live Server and then manually set on the DR Server using Option 4 - PPD Security from the main Cobwebb Main menu.



Contains the Fax line(s) configuration details. If fax is not used or the configurations are identical this need not be excluded.

Action: Copy from the Live Server and then manually set on the DR Server using Option 4 - Communication lines from the Cobwebb Fax & Email > System Parameters menu.

Checking the Replication

Once you have set up and run your Replication process and dealt with the excluded CPPD objects, you need to check the Cobwebb PPD Security.

On the Disaster Recovery server:



3.Select Option 4 - PPD Security

4.Make sure all editable fields are identical to the Live Server. Note: The System Name should be the same for both Live and Disaster Recovery Servers.

5.Enter your Expiry date (if different) and Access Code.

Notes for Customers on Cobwebb Server prior to v6.0.32

Prior to v6.0.32, the Cobwebb Server software stored the Expiry Date in the SYSPARM data area. As this data area also holds the majority of the Cobwebb Server System Parameters, not just the Security information, it is recommended that this data area is still replicated.  

BEFORE using the Cobwebb Server software on your DR Server you will need to consider the following:

Is the System Name & Expiry Date the same for both Servers?


Disaster Recovery Steps


You need to do nothing as the Expiry date will not have invalidated your Cobwebb PPD Security Access code.


Perform the following steps to correctly enable your Cobwebb PPD Security Access code.



3.Select Option 4 - PPD Security

4.Enter the correct System Name (if required)

5.Enter the correct Expiry Date (if required)

6.Enter the correct Access Code

7.Press Enter

You should see the message "Access code updated"