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The majority of Cobwebb supplied exit programs are CPPD exit programs but we do have a couple of Print and File exit programs as well. The programs can be found in the CPPD library.

Note: If you do not have a current version of the Cobwebb Document Management software then you may not have all of these programs available. Please contact a Cobwebb Consultant and they will probably be able to supply you with the exit program you require.

Cobwebb Standard Exit Programs

These programs can be used in your main Cobwebb design - see the topic Calling an Exit Program for details.

Advanced Reformatting Utility Exit Programs

These Exit programs are designed to work in conjunction with the Advanced Reformatting Utility

ADVRFMTAPI -  Allows you to store information from the input spool file to be output at a later point in the output document. This has largely been replace by the ability to use Key fields in the *DET call

ADVRSTYLE - Allows you to output the Size and Quantity information, written as three entries per line in the format Size / Quantity, in a more tabular format - from version 6.2.83

ADVPREPAGE - Allows you to pre-process the pagination for detail lines (*DET call) - from version 6.2.88

General Exit Programs

COBADD & COBADDR – Add parameters and return

COBADDDUR - Add / Subtract a duration to / from a date

COBADDTIM - Add Hours, Minutes or Seconds to a Starting Time - from version 6.2.83

COBCASE – Convert case of parameters

COBCENTRE - Centre a string based on the supplied length - from version 6.2.67

COBCHARCHK - Compare string position with given character

COBCHKEML - Checks that the supplied string contains an '@' - from version 6.2.88

COBCOMPDAT - Compares two dates returning if the To date is greater than (GT), less than (LT) or equal to (EQ) the From Date - from version 7.0.00

COBCOMPNUM - Compare two numbers and return if *GT, *LT or *EQ - from version 6.2.57

COBCONTACT - Supplied as sample source to retrieve Contact Details from Aurora Contact Management

COBCOUNT – Increment multiple counters

COBCVTDAT – Convert date from one format to another

COBDATE – Return the system date and time

COBDIV & COBDIVR – Divide two parameters

COBFILDET - Extract File Folder, Name and Extension from the supplied path

COBFILECHK - Check the validity of a file name for either the IFS or QDLS

COBFIND – Find a Pattern in a String

COBFINDRET – Find a Pattern in a String & Return Data - from version 6.2.83 this has been replaced by COBFNDRET

COBFMT – Format numeric output

COBFMTBC – Format a Barcode string

COBFMTNUM – Format numeric values

COBFNDRET – Find a Pattern in a String & Return Data

COBGENLIBL - Add or Remove Libraries defined in the Cobwebb General Directory - from version 6.2.62

COBGETRTG - Return PPD Routeing details - from version 6.2.87

COBGETSYS -  Return your IBM i System information  - from version 6.2.81

COBHEX -  Return hexadecimal data say for a barcode - from version 6.2.87

COBLABEL – Print Address labels

COBLOWER – Convert text to lower case

COBMERGE – Merges PARM1 – PARM5 into one field

COBMULTEML - Write multiple email addresses to a temporary file to be retrieved by GETMULTEML Email Exit program - from version 6.2.87

COBMULTATT - Send an email to multiple recipients, including multiple attachments using SNDPPDEML3- from version 7.0.00

COBNULL – Do nothing exit program

COBPAGE – Return an incrementing number

COBPERC – Calculate a percentage

COBPPDATR – Return PPD Attributes - from version 6.2.83

COBRAND - Return a random set of characters based on the input string supplied and the length of string to be returned  - from version 6.2.83

COBREPLACE - Replace characters in a string

COBRFMTNUM – Format numeric values - replacement for COBFMTNUM - from version 6.2.62

COBRJ – Right justify a numeric string

COBRMVLIN -  Strip out blank lines  e.g from Addresses - from version 6.2.87

COBRTVEML – Retrieve an Email address from CPPD directory

COBSNDEML - Send an email to a single recipient without attachments - from version 6.2.59

COBSPLATR – Return Spool File Attributes & System Name

COBSPLIT – Split string into components

COBSQL & COBSQL2 - Run a SQL SELECT statement and return up to six fields.

COBSQLM - Run a SQL SELECT statement and return up to six fields for multiple records - from version 6.2.88

COBSSCC - Generate an SSCC, including the check digit, based on the supplied data and type of GTIN requested - from version 6.2.81

COBSTORE – Save and Return data

COBSUB & COBSUBS – Subtract parameters and return

COBSUBSTR – Return specified part of a string

COBSUM – Total values in specified buckets

COBTOT & COBTOTR – Multiply two parameters

COBTOTAL – Add values to produce sub-totals and total

COBTOTALB - Accumulate up to 99 different totals (buckets) - from version 6.2.57

COBTRIM - Trim leading blanks off all supplied parameters - from version 6.2.59

COBUNIQKEY - Returns a Unique Key for your supplied Key fields

COBUPPER – Convert text to upper case

COBUSREML – Get email destination for user from email directory

COBWRAP -  Reformat text by wrapping into fewer or more lines in your output - from version 6.2.87

COBXLATE - Translate Text from one CCSID (Coded Character Set ID) to another - from version 6.2.83

COBZERO – Remove leading zeros/blanks and left justify result

GETGEND – Retrieve General Directory data

IMG2CRG - Allows for the use of Dynamic Images in your Cobwebb Design

Cobwebb Print Exit Programs

These programs can be used in a Print Output Device.

COBPRTCPY – Change the number of copies printed

COBPRTOVR – Print output overrides

COBPRTUSRD – Change the User Data of Printed output

COBAUUSERQ - Supplied as sample source to retrieve Aurora User Output Queue & Library from the User Profile file

Cobwebb Email Exit Programs

These programs can be used in a Email Output Device.

GETMULTEML - Read the temporary additional email addresses file written to by COBMULTEML, based on the supplied Email Key, and write to the Email Output Device - from version 6.2.87

Cobwebb File Exit Programs

These programs can be used in a File Output Device.

COBFILCOPY - Copy the file to an alternate destination

COBFILEFTP - FTP your file output - from version 6.2.57

COBFILPOST - POST your file output to a Web Service - from version 6.2.79

COBFILIDX - Write all File parameters to a .IDX file of the same name in the same folder as the original file (for use with the Java Folder Monitor) - from version 6.2.79

IVSTORE – Interface to ImageView using command PIDXIMP

IVSTOREIFS - Interface to ImageView using command PIMPDOCIFS