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Cobwebb Monitor Programs

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In order to facilitate running a task which is not spool file driven Cobwebb have created the following Monitor programs which will run in the CPPD subsystem:

Cobwebb Folder Monitor

The Cobwebb Folder Monitor is a utility that will monitor an IFS or QNTC folder at a frequency defined by the Poll interval and call a specified Program to call each time a file is found. If the file is processed successfully it is deleted, or moved to a defined Success Folder otherwise it is moved to the defined Failed Folder.

This can be useful if you wish put files in a folder that you wish to store in the Cobwebb Docstore or maybe FTP to a different Server.

Cobwebb Job Launcher Monitor

From Cobwebb Server Version 6.2.70 - The Cobwebb Job Launcher Monitor is a utility that will call a specified Program to call at a frequency defined by the Poll interval. This can be useful if you wish to run a program say every hour and don't want to have to code this process.

This was initially written to run the LREFUPD job which investigates Docstore entries which are missing an Item Reference (LREF) key as it wasn't available when the document was stored. It uses the information from the Document Keys to extract the Item Reference from Aurora and update the LREF Document Key with the information.