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From Cobwebb Server Version 6.2.70 - The Cobwebb Job Launcher Monitor is a utility that will call a specified "Program to call" at a frequency defined by the "Polling interval". This can be useful if you wish to run a program say every hour and don't want to have to code this process. If the "Polling interval" is left blank then the job will only run once when the CPPD subsystem starts.

In order for a Job to be launched by the Cobwebb Job Launcher Monitor (JOBLMON) into the CPPD subsystem you will first need to configure it using Work with Job launcher and set it to "Online".

For details on how to create your own program to be called by the Cobwebb Job Launcher Monitor please see Creating a bespoke Job Launcher program.

Cobwebb supply a selection of Launcher Types which have their own specific Parameters which can be used in your Job Launcher program. The *REF Launcher Type has its own Job Launcher program, LREFUPD, which may be used.