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This will allow you to enter email addresses for your customers/suppliers etc, which may then be retrieved by CPPD to direct your automatic email output. This can be found from the Cobwebb Main Menu - PPD File Maintenance - Work with directory - Option 2.

Position to

Enter one or more characters from which to start the display.


Select one of the following options:


Allows you to add a new email directory entry. This option is only valid on the top (entry) line of the display.


Use this option to revise an existing email directory entry.


Allows you to copy details from an existing email directory entry.


Use this option to delete an existing email directory entry.



This should be the key for your directory entry.  If you wish to use this directory to retrieve email addresses automatically using the Spool File Monitor then this would normally be the Supplier/Customer number as it appears on your existing spooled file.


The description for your email directory entry.

Function Keys


Exits the Work with email directory and returns to the Maintenance menu, without updating. Press Enter to Update.


Cancels the Work with email directory and returns to the Maintenance menu, without updating. Press Enter to Update.

Page Up

Scrolls up through the list

Page Down

Scrolls down through the list