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Frequenty Asked Questions

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Have a look through the following list and see if any of these questions relate to what you are trying to discover. If you find one then click on the link for details.

How do I request a new Security Code?

How do I find out what is new or been fixed in the latest version of the Cobwebb Server or Designer software?

How do I clear my browser cache for a website?

Which Ports must be allowed in a Firewall when using Cobwebb Document Management?

How do I move the Cobwebb Server software to another Server?

Which OS400 Versions (IBM i) are support by the Cobwebb Server software?

How do I generate an SSL Certificate and Private Key using OpenSSL & Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services?

How do I configure SSL on IBM i (i.e. create a *SYSTEM Certificate Store)?

How do I add custom Options to the WRKSPLF command?

How can I configure Print notification of failed emails?

I click OK on the Windows SmartScreen (Windows 8.1) when installing the Cobwebb Designer from the Cobwebb website using Internet Explorer and nothing happens?

Why is the yellow shading of Static Text boxes bigger than the text in the Cobwebb Designer?

How do I retrieve the Aurora User Output Queue & Library?

What are the implications for CPPD when upgrading from System 21 to Aurora?

How do I upload my Cobwebb Designs to the IBM Server?

How do I export an image from Microsoft Word?

How do I view ALL messages on the Cobwebb Queue not just my own?

How do I create a Thermal Printer Output Queue?

How do I create a Workstation Customising Object for Code Page 850?

How can I display my own logo in the Cobwebb Web Server?

How do I prevent text being squashed on the left of the page in my PDF output?

How do I create a 2D barcode with more than 132 characters?

How do I work out which QSQSRVR jobs relate to the Cobwebb software?

How can I create a Dynamic Email Message body?